Labor and Economy that Works for All
En español 🇪🇸
I believe that all people deserve a full and dignified life, and no one should be too poor to live.
I am not a capitalist. I do not support capitalism. There, I said it.
Capitalism is a fundamentally unjust economic system and philosophy that relies on exploitation of labor and our environment. Capitalism has led to massive economic inequality. Capitalism thrives through systems of institutional oppression: racism and white supremacy, patriarchy and misogyny, militarism (including the militarization of policing), and suppression of democracy in which our only choice to make political change is presented as an election between Capitalist Party Neoliberals and Capitalist Party Neofascists. This is not democracy, but the capitalist class (the ownership class) has propagandized us for a century that capitalism and democracy are synonymous.
Is anyone buying this anymore? I think people are smelling the bullshit.
The best thing that has happened over the last two years is the strike movement, and I’ve been alongside striking nurses, carpenters, cement truck drivers, and Starbucks workers as they fight for fair wages and working conditions. Labor is the source of all wealth, and I’ll fight in Congress for policies that honor that principle.
I will fight for:
Passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) (HR 842)
Pass a Union supportive bill that includes training and administrative resources for new unionization efforts, subsidizing union dues 100%, extending federal unemployment benefits to striking workers, guaranteeing the right for all public employees to collectively bargain, requiring all businesses above 20 employees a quarterly vote on unionization, and requiring all businesses below 20 employees to pay them no less than 2/3rds of total profits in bonuses and dividends.
Repealing the Taft-Hartley Act and ending the "right to work for less".
Expanding the right to form a union to include domestic, agricultural, and so-called “gig” workers.
A jobs guarantee to end unemployment.
Increase federal support for establishing worker co-ops.
A $30 minimum wage, indexed to cost inflation and productivity growth, whichever is higher.
Strengthening Social Security by removing the artificial cap on the Social Security tax and having the wealthy pay the same rate as everyone else, lowering the full retirement age to 62, and significantly expanding benefits.
Creating a National Solidarity Fund, funded by a 1 cent ($0.01) per worker-hour tax, paying stipends to workers who are striking or locked out.
Worker representation on corporate boards (co-determination).
Sectoral union organization.
Utilizing civil asset forfeiture against all companies guilty of violating worker's right to unionize and other workplace protections, and transferring full ownership of the offending company to the workers of that company.
Allowing 3 weeks of paid sick leave, and 8 weeks of paid vacation per year, and 1-year parental leave for all new parents.
The end of “at-will“ employment by requiring just cause to terminate employment.
A tax system where the super-rich and corporations pay their fair share and working-class people see relief from our regressive tax system.
Implementation of public postal banking.
Capping interest rates at 10 percent.
Guaranteeing necessities of life and basic human rights for all including food, water, healthcare, housing, education, and a livable environment.